Fish curry Simple Recipes

 Fish curry Simple Recipes

If you're tired of the same old dinner routine and want to dive into a sea of flavors, look no further! Our fish curry recipe is not just delicious but also as easy as telling a fish a bedtime story.

• 500g of your avorite fish (because we're all about choices)

• 1 large onion (tears are optional)

• 3 tomatoes (for a tangy twist)

• 2 green chilies (spice up your life)

• A handful of curry leaves (they're like the confetti of the kitchen)

• 1 tablespoon ginger-garlic paste (a dynamic duo)

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder (for that golden touch)

• 2 teaspoons red chili powder (because why not?)

• 1 teaspoon coriander powder (to keep things grounded)

• 1 cup coconut milk (like a tropical vacation for your taste buds)

• Salt to taste (don't be salty, just season well)

1. Fish Selection:

 Choose a fish that speaks to you. Maybe it says, "I'm flaky and fabulous."

2. Prep Work:

Chop the onion, tomatoes, and green chilies. If you shed a tear while chopping the onion, just blame it on a particularly emotional fish tale.

3. Pan-tastic Adventure:

Heat oil in a pan. Add the onions and sauté until they are as golden as your grandma's secret curry recipe.

4. Spice It Up:

Toss in the ginger-garlic paste, green chilies, curry leaves, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and coriander powder. It's like a party in a pan!

5. Tomato Tango:

Add the chopped tomatoes and cook until they soften. Dance around the kitchen if you feel like it; no judgment here.

6. Fishy Business:

Gently place the fish in the pan. Treat it like royalty - it's about to be the star of the show.

7. Coconut Surprise:

Pour in the coconut milk. Close your eyes and imagine you're on a beach, sipping coconut water, and enjoying the ocean breeze. Now, open your eyes and focus on not overcooking the fish.

8. Simmer Down:

Let it simmer until the fish is tender and the curry is bursting with flavors. Patience is a virtue, especially in the kitchen.

9. Season with Love:

Sprinkle salt to taste. Remember, love is the secret ingredient that makes everything taste better.

10. Serve with a Smile:

Dish it out with rice or your favorite bread. Garnish with a few curry leaves because, well, presentation matters.

Enjoy your fish curry creation! May your taste buds dance and your kitchen adventures be as exciting as a fish's underwater journey.

Enjoy your fish curry.. 

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