The Easiest Sugar Cookie


The Easiest Sugar Cookie Recipe Ever (Only 3 Ingredients!)

Do you ever crave something sweet but dread the idea of spending hours in the kitchen? Fear not, because I've got the perfect solution for you: an incredibly simple sugar cookie recipe that requires only three ingredients! Yes, you read that right – just three ingredients to cookie heaven.

Ingredients You'll Need:

1 cup of butter:

• You can't go wrong with butter. It's like the superhero of baking – it makes everything better. Plus, who doesn't love the smell of buttery goodness wafting through the house?


1 cup of sugar:

• Because, let's face it, what's a sugar cookie without sugar? It's like trying to make a sandwich without bread – it just doesn't work. So, grab that sugar and let's get sweetening!

2 cups of all-purpose flour:

• Flour, the unsung hero of baking. It's the backbone of these cookies, holding everything together in perfect harmony. Plus, it's fun to play with – just try not to make a mess!


1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C):

• We're heating things up, folks! Get that oven nice and toasty because these cookies are ready to party.

2. Mix the butter and sugar together:

• Grab a bowl, throw in the butter and sugar, and mix until it's nice and creamy. This is where the magic happens – watch as the two ingredients come together in sweet, buttery bliss.

3. Add the flour:

• Slowly incorporate the flour into the buttery mixture until it forms a dough. It might take a bit of elbow grease, but trust me, it's worth it. Plus, who doesn't love a little workout while they bake?

4. Roll out the dough and cut into shapes:

• Get creative with it! Use cookie cutters to make fun shapes like hearts, stars, or even dinosaurs. The world is your cookie canvas – so go wild!

5. Bake for 8-10 minutes:

• Pop those bad boys into the oven and let the magic happen. Keep an eye on them though – nobody likes a burnt cookie (unless you're into that sort of thing).

6. Let cool and enjoy!:

• Once they're nice and golden brown, take them out of the oven and let them cool for a few minutes. Then, grab a glass of milk and dive into cookie paradise.

Final Thoughts:

And there you have it – the easiest sugar cookie recipe known to humankind. With just three simple ingredients, you can whip up a batch of delicious cookies that will have your taste buds doing a happy dance. So go ahead, give it a try – your sweet tooth will thank you!

Remember, the secret ingredient is always love. Oh, and maybe a little extra butter. But mostly love. Happy baking!

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